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حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects Icon_minitimeالسبت يوليو 30, 2016 10:07 pm من طرف Admin

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حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects Icon_minitimeالخميس فبراير 18, 2016 9:42 am من طرف Admin

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حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects Icon_minitimeالسبت ديسمبر 12, 2015 2:32 pm من طرف Admin

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حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects Icon_minitimeالسبت يناير 17, 2015 1:06 am من طرف Admin

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حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects

اذهب الى الأسفل

حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects Empty حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects

مُساهمة  Admin الأحد يناير 11, 2015 9:52 am

Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects

حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects C40894ca71889194204a2827bb1c9c42

Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects
Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects | 4.99 GB
10 unique template sets for After Effects | Works directly in After Effects | Seamlessly Loopable | Matching Animated Set Pieces

You may have heard of "over-the-shoulder" graphics - used prominently and frequently in news telecasts. You have most likely also heard of "virtual sets" - animated scenes that allow you to immerse and surround your green-screen captured talent in a completely virtual environment. DJ is now introducing the perfect marriage of these two concepts, combining their functionality into a new animated format called "shoulder sets".

Animated Shoulder Sets are professional, easy-to-use, virtual environments that allow you to create stunning results effortlessly. These animations are specially crafted to display a video screen area and a presenter in a stylish, exciting way. We've thought through the creative process and provided everything you might need so that your workflow is streamlined. Each Animated Shoulder Set is designed with multiple matching pieces, including animated background, animated video frame, revealer and wipe animations - allowing you to transition seamlessly between multiple video/photo segments indefinitely.

Compared to the more complex virtual sets which you can find on the market, Shoulder Sets are simpler, easier to use and much more customizable. Each Animated Shoulder Set provided everything you might need so that your workflow is streamlined, and comes with multiple matching pieces, including animated background, animated video frame, revealer and wipe animations - allowing you to transition seamlessly between multiple video/photo segments indefinitely.


• Each collection has 10 unique template sets for After Effects - The variety you need to handle any type of production that comes along
• Works directly in After Effects - No special software to buy, everything is already set up for you to use directly in After Effects. You just have to load the project and add your video clips.
• Seamlessly Loopable - No matter how long your shot, the sets can go as long as you need.
• Matching Animated Set Pieces - By combining the matching Animated Background, Revealer, Screen and Wipe you can get incredible, highly polished results
• No third party plugins required - To make sure you wouldn't have any compatibility issues, we have only used effects and features that are already built into After Effects CS4 and above
• Works with Adobe After Effects CS4 & above
• Compatible with both Windows and Mac
• Requires Juicer version 3.89d or above

Software Requirements:

- After Effects CS4 & above.
- Latest Version of QuickTime.
- No 3rd Party Plug-ins required.

System Requirements:

- XP Professional SP2 / Vista / Windows7
- Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon XP
- Min of 1 GB system memory

- OS X 10.4+, OSX Leopard / G4 / G5 / Mac Intel Processors
- Min of 1 GB system memory

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حزمة مشاريع للافتر افكت بحجم 4 جيجا Animated Shoulder Sets Collection 1 for Adobe After Effects Oooyyy11
اولاد رافت

عدد المساهمات : 1543
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/10/2011


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